Joey non trova mai padroni casuali, né casualmente questi vengono in contatto con l'animale, perché sussiste un fil rouge, una invisibile comunione di sentimenti che permette loro di riconoscersi a vicenda. Regia: Steven Spielberg. I suoi sforzi, ammirati da tutti i membri della comunità del villaggio, vengono però vanificati da una forte pioggia che distrugge il raccolto. Emilie's grandfather keeps the pennant. War Horse: favola piacevole e tanti buoni sentimenti, ma la storia del The Help regia di Tate Taylor, film sicuramente … [19] Kathleen Kennedy elaborated on the appeal of the story: "In cinema we've told very few stories about World War I and I think that's one of the things that attracted us to this … It's a forgotten war in the United States, and that had a very powerful effect on Steven and I [sic]. [39][40][41][42], After some speculation, the cast for War Horse was announced on June 17, 2010. “War Horse è un romanzo senza tempo. ... Trama. War Horse è un romanzo per ragazzi scritto da Michael Morpurgo e pubblicato nel 1982 da Kaye & Ward. "[27], –Emily Watson on World War I's enduring emotional legacy. The true story is even more epic than the new Spielberg feature film. It worked well … Those English actors are awfully good and so were the horses. "[93], Representatives of the American Humane Association were on set at all times, and the Association awarded the film an "outstanding" rating for the care that was taken of the animals during production. "[142] Rex Reed of The New York Observer gave the film 4 out of 4 stars and said, "War Horse is a don't-miss Spielberg classic that reaches true perfection. Streaming. [126][127], Press screenings for critics were first held in New York and Los Angeles on November 24, 2011, although there was an embargo on official reviews being published at that time. Filming began there on September 21, 2010, and continued until October 1. Per lui, rimasto ormai solo (la nipote è morta), quell'animale è ormai l'unica cosa che gli ricordi l'adorata Emilie. [134], War Horse grossed $79,859,441 domestically and $97,200,000 internationally for a worldwide total of $177,584,879. Soundtrack to War Horse. [94] Unlike the play, which used puppet horses, the film uses a combination of real horses, animatronic horses and computer-generated imagery. War Horse è un film del 2011 diretto da Steven Spielberg, tratto dall'omonimo romanzo scritto da Michael Morpurgo e dall'omonimo adattamento teatrale del romanzo di Nick Stafford. Captain James Nicholls sees Albert's attachment and promises to look after Joey. Video. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 1 dic 2020 alle 15:10. Although it was not one of Spielberg's biggest box office successes, it was the highest-grossing World War I film of all time until Wonder Woman overtook it six years later. He was warm, kind and open, and utterly without ego … Spielberg was like a conductor with a very light baton. He cares for them as best as he can, but Topthorn succumbs to exhaustion and dies. To decide who should take the horse, they flip a coin; Colin wins and guides the injured Joey to the British trench. Further footage introduced on film by Spielberg was shown at the Empire magazine "Big Screen" event in London in August 2011. Un film con una voglia di semplicità che fa rima con superficialità. Tag: Ver , gratis, pelicula completa, pelicula 2011 - gratis pelicula completa, pelicula online gratis, pelicula completa en español Gli ufficiali, avendo notato che è ferito, stanno per abbattere il cavallo quando Albert, ancora bendato, capisce che il cavallo è Joey chiamandolo col richiamo d'un tempo. [82] The film shoot was completed in the last week of October 2010,[29] with the entire film, French scenes included, being shot in the UK, apart from some pick-up shots of a bay foal filmed in California in March 2011. Con Emily Watson, David Thewlis, Peter Mullan, Niels Arestrup, Tom Hiddleston. I was in awe. ", "Spielberg Introduces New War Horse Clip", "New War Horse Trailer Online A fresh look at Spielberg's World War I", "War Horse trailer: a stallion of Spielberg proportions: A Steven Spielberg movie thoroughbred with the sort of glorious casting that might just gallop off with an Oscar", "Special 'War Horse' screenings set for Sunday", "Will and Kate to come out for 'War Horse, "War Horse Blu-ray and DVD Arrive April 3rd", "Keeping Up with the Germans by Philip Oltermann", "The Top 10 Everything of 2011 – War Horse", "/Filmcast Ep. In 1912, a bay Thoroughbred is born in Devon, England. [27] Curtis stated that the screenplay is closer to the book than the play, and that "the existence of the play itself helped [him] "be brave" about [his] own adaptation". It felt very real and focused. War Horse. [80] Filming was also scheduled to be undertaken at Caerwent in Wales. Separato dalla madre e acquistato da Ted, un ruvido agricoltore, è destinato all'aratro e a risollevare le sorti della famiglia Narracott. [86] The main horse trainer was Bobby Lovgren,[86] and other horse trainers included Dylan Jones, Bill Lawrence,[87][88] and Zelie Bullen. filtrandolo attraverso la prosa di Michael Morpurgo, autore del romanzo da cui questo “War Horse” È tratto. Due to the usual embargo on photos and videos being taken and made public during Spielberg shoots, very few images emerged, with the majority being snatched paparazzi shots. Premi. [84], Michael Morpurgo, the author of the book on which the film is based, visited the set several times while filming was being undertaken: "Spielberg's a wonderful storyteller and a kid. Durata. Colin, a British soldier, makes his way to Joey under a white flag and tries to free him. [147] David Denby of The New Yorker wrote that "The horses themselves are magnificent, and maybe that's reason enough to see the movie. Spielberg is the master of an awesome canvas. "[25] Kathleen Kennedy elaborated, stating "We really did it very naturalistically. [17][18][19] After discussions with Revel Guest, on December 16, 2009, it was announced that DreamWorks Pictures had acquired the film rights to the book, with Spielberg stating: "From the moment I read Michael Morpurgo's novel War Horse, I knew this was a film I wanted DreamWorks to make … Its heart and its message provide a story that can be felt in every country. il 24 novembre 2016. But War Horse is a bland, bizarrely unimaginative piece of work". Quando vengono separati, l'eroico viaggio del cavallo Joey, attraverso i duri scenari della guerra, cambierà e ispirerà le vite di tutti coloro che incontrerà sul suo cammino, la cavalleria britannica, i … La commozione generale induce i medici a curarlo e al termine della guerra, quando viene ordinato di vendere al mercato i cavalli, i commilitoni fanno una colletta per aiutare Albert a ricomprarlo. [60][62][63], On September 11, 2010, the annual Dartmoor Yomp was rerouted to allow filming to continue undisturbed. [73], Production moved on to Wisley Airfield[74] in Surrey, where no man's land battlefield scenes were filmed. Released. Quando il macellaio del paese supera l'offerta di Albert irrompe a sorpresa il nonno francese che aveva conosciuto Joey, che lo compra grazie all'inavvicinabile cifra di 100 sterline. Con Benedict Cumberbatch, Celine Buckens, David Kross, David Thewlis, Eddie Marsan, Emily Watson. [107] Williams took inspiration by visiting a horse farm in California and observing horses and their behavior, elaborating that "I got in the habit of watching the horses in the morning, and I began to see how they connect to each other and how they became curious about me. La scena si sposta allora sull'attraversamento inglese della Manica (la trama segue passo per passo la vicenda del cavallo, con i personaggi umani come contorno), e sulla morte di Nicholls in Francia in uno scontro con l'esercito tedesco. Il loro destino li conduce però nuovamente in mano tedesca dove un soldato pieno di umanità cerca in ogni modo di salvarli, feriti e senza presa sugli insensibili ufficiali, che considerano gli animali solo in funzione utilitaristica abbassandosi così al punto da essere più bestie dei cavalli, capaci invece di avere un rapporto pulito con chi sa apprezzarli. Conscio del fatto che la sua Emilie voleva il bene di Joey (o François che sia), cede allora definitivamente il cavallo ad Albert che, abbracciato dai genitori al suo rientro nel Devon, restituisce al padre la bandiera (che questi aveva portato con sé nella Seconda Guerra Boera, dopo la quale era stato insignito di importanti medaglie per il comportamento eroico tenuto alla battaglia del Transvaal), capendo finalmente perché questi non gli avesse mai parlato della guerra, di quelle inutili carneficine cui Joey, ora beato in mezzo ad un suggestivo tramonto, è e sempre sarà estraneo. [148], War Horse made several critics' lists of the best films of 2011. Rapporto qualità / prezzo . From this bucolic, gentle, even sentimental music, you move into the music of battle surges and gripping struggles. In regard to that approach, Williams stated: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, This was a very rich opportunity musically because it is both about humans and animals and it takes place in three different countries. Valutazione. [85], The pre-production period only allowed for three months to train the horses before shooting commenced. Track number 1. Our team achieves this through journalism, public forums, and writing seminars that ensure those most affected by war have a prominent voice in the national conversation. [116] On March 29, DreamWorks presented behind-the-scenes footage introduced on film by Spielberg to theatre owners at CinemaCon in Las Vegas. [91] Extra filming involving a bay foal took place in California in March 2011. [99][100], After filming, further editing was undertaken at the UK's Twickenham Film Studios, with the production moving back to the U.S. in November 2010. He hardly had to wave it at all. The site's critical consensus reads, "Technically superb, proudly sentimental, and unabashedly old-fashioned, War Horse is an emotional drama that tugs the heartstrings with Spielberg's customary flair. Having directed many films set during World War II, it was his first film to tackle the events of World War I. [94] However, a 2013 suit by former AHA employee Barbara Casey alleged that a horse was killed on set, but the organization chose to "cover up the death" to protect Spielberg's reputation. [98] Tuba player Jim Self reported in May 2011: "For John Williams I recently finished recording for the film War Horse. Richard Corliss of Time named it the fifth best film of 2011, saying. "[76] Emily Watson also praised Spielberg's approach: "It was intimate, passionate and about the acting. [36] Spielberg was able to act so quickly because he was on a hiatus, waiting for the animation on his other 2011 film The Adventures of Tintin to be completed. Albert hears about Joey's rescue while recuperating. Film, Drammatico, Guerra. [66] When actor Peter Mullan won the Golden Shell Award at the San Sebastián International Film Festival in Spain for his film Neds, Spielberg insisted that Mullan should attend the ceremony to accept his award in person on September 26, 2010, and rearranged the War Horse shooting schedule accordingly. Durante la prima guerra mondiale, Ted e Rosie Narracott comprano un puledro giovane ed esuberante da destinare all’aratro per risollevare il destino della propria fattoria. That's when I really began to get the sense that horses are very special creatures. Genere: romanzo di guerra. [25], DreamWorks executive Stacey Snider suggested Richard Curtis to work on rewrites for the screenplay; she had worked with Curtis during her time at Universal Pictures, and Curtis had previously written the World War I-set BBC comedy series Blackadder Goes Forth along with Ben Elton. War Horse, cast e trama film Super Guida TV. World War I ends, and Joey is ordered to be auctioned because only the horses of officers will return home. La loro fuga assieme ai cavalli rubati è però fatale; scoperti, vengono fucilati per diserzione. The Germans use Joey and Topthorn to haul artillery, under the care of Private Henglemann. Sono le trame con cui Spielberg va a nozze, in una carriera che ha accatastato – a fasi alterne – pellicole come questa, di quelle adatte a tutte le generazioni. The film was released digitally through on-demand services such as the ITunes Store in high and standard definitions. Peter, a German soldier, comes over with wire cutters, and together they rescue Joey. Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1982, War Horse inizialmente non ha riscosso grande successo. "[84] On set, he'd come in, in the morning, and say, 'I couldn't sleep last night. [65] Spielberg felt that the landscape was very much a character in the film. Albert, his eyes still bandaged, is able to describe Joey in perfect detail, and the two are reunited. [34] Speaking at the Tribeca Film Festival in April 2011, actor Peter Mullan said that he took the part not just because Spielberg was directing, but also because of the "beautiful, really nice script". [60][61] Ditsworthy Warren House, an isolated Grade II listed building near Sheepstor on Dartmoor, served as the Narracott family's farmhouse, and many scenes were filmed in the surrounding area. [30][31], Having previously only been slated to produce the film, Spielberg decided to direct "the second [he] read [Curtis's] first draft. Kahn had a trailer on set and edited the film during filming. Più si dimena, più il filo s'ingarbuglia attorno a lui. The release was produced in three different physical packages: a four-disc combo pack (two-disc Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital Copy); a two-disc combo pack (Blu-ray and DVD); and a single-disc DVD. Lack of finances meant that it was an informal arrangement, with the film rights not formally sold by Morpurgo to Guest's production company and no one being paid for the work they undertook. WAR HORSE. [81] Studio filming was undertaken at Longcross Studios, Chertsey in Surrey,[78] and at Twickenham Film Studios. Michael Morpurgo wrote the 1982 children's novel War Horse after meeting World War I veterans in the Devon village of Iddesleigh where he lived. He's human and he's still working in an impassioned way, like a 21-year-old, trying to make the best out of everything". [131][132], On December 4, 2011, the film's world premiere was held at the Avery Fisher Hall of New York City's Lincoln Center, where the Tony award-winning Broadway production of War Horse was playing at the neighboring Vivian Beaumont Theater. The film's North American release date was originally set for August 10, 2011, but after a meeting in London between DreamWorks and Disney executives in early October 2010, when some footage was screened, the decision was taken to move its release to December 28 in the holiday period,[112] and in the United Kingdom on January 13, 2012. The only similarity is that it is war and it is handheld. Stato. "[18] Actor Tom Hiddleston said that Spielberg had "seen the stage play and he wanted to retain the magic and heartbeat of that … It's a moving, powerful story you can take children to see, but it is still very upsetting … People die, and it is war. Which was great! A distanza davvero di poco tempo dall’uscita di Le avventure di Tintin – Il segreto dell’Unicorno, Steven Spielberg torna a far capolino nelle nostre sale con War Horse.Un successo annunciato per alcuni, un po’ più cauti altri. [2], Per promuovere il film è stata organizzata un'anteprima nazionale in alcune sale del circuito UCI Cinemas, che hanno proiettato il film in versione originale sottotitolata in italiano dal 13 al 16 febbraio. "[103] In the premiere of three of the tracks on New York radio station WQXR's "Movies on the Radio", broadcaster David Garland drew parallels with the work of British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams. Gunther, a young German soldier, is assigned to the care of Joey and Topthorn. [64] Spielberg praised the Dartmoor countryside's beauty: "I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor… And, with two-and-a-half weeks of extensive coverage of landscapes and skies, I hardly scratched the surface of the visual opportunities that were offered to me". [89][90], During filming, fourteen different horses were used as the main horse character Joey, eight of them portraying him as an adult animal, four as a colt and two as a foal;[87] four horses played the other main equine character, Topthorn. Siamo ormai arrivati al 1918, alle fasi finali del conflitto, e qui ritroviamo Albert che, nel frattempo arruolatosi, è diventato un valoroso combattente. Ha ricevuto sei candidature ai premi Oscar 2012. [2], War Horse - Sinossi e primo trailer per il nuovo film di Steven Spielberg, War Horse in Italia il 20 gennaio: ecco il trailer in italiano, War Horse di Steven Spielberg in anteprima dal 13 al 16 febbraio, Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award, Southeastern Film Critics Association Award, Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo, Le avventure di Tintin - Il segreto dell'Unicorno,, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. They have been magnificent and trusted friends for such a long time and have done so much for us with such grace. [13] From 2006 to 2009, Morpurgo, Lee Hall and Revel Guest worked on a proposed film version of War Horse, which Morpurgo and Hall would write and Guest produce. [29] The granddaughter of Captain Budgett, one of the World War I veterans who had inspired Morpurgo to write the story, acted as an extra in scenes filmed in Castle Combe,[50] and Morpurgo himself filmed a cameo role there, along with his wife Clare. I was really amazed at how expressive horses are and how much they can show what they're feeling. [34][43] It had been rumored in the previous week that Eddie Redmayne had been cast in the lead role as Albert Narracott;[44] however, relatively unknown stage actor Jeremy Irvine was chosen instead. [92] Working with horses on this scale was a new experience for Spielberg, who commented: "The horses were an extraordinary experience for me, because several members of my family ride. Al culmine della prima guerra mondiale, una famiglia di agricoltori inglesi compra un vivace puledro da caccia ad un'asta. [133], A tie-in book by Steven Spielberg was published by Harper Collins on December 27, 2011. [67][68], Although Devon rural locations were used, scenes in the main village in the story were filmed at the Wiltshire village of Castle Combe near Chippenham, despite the vernacular architecture of Devon (predominantly cob walls and thatched roofs) being very different from that of Wiltshire (stone walls and stone tiled roofs). [49] In all, some 5,800 extras were used in the film. "[19] Irvine auditioned for two months, going in two or three times a week, and learned that he had the part when he was asked to read a piece of the script on camera in order to check his West Country accent, and the piece of mockup script that he read out was Albert telling Joey that Spielberg wanted him to play the part. [55] Scenes involving the cavalry were shot first at Stratfield Saye House in north Hampshire, the estate of the Duke of Wellington, where incidentally Wellington's war horse Copenhagen is buried; a cavalry charge involving 130 extras was filmed here. "[101] English folk singer John Tams, who wrote the songs for the stage production of War Horse, was approached by Spielberg and Williams about including one of his songs from the stageshow in the film. He fell for Devon in a big way. Joey è un puledro esuberante, cresciuto libero e selvaggio nella campagna inglese. Joey tuttavia sopravvive, venendo catturato assieme a Topthorn (il cavallo del maggiore Stewart) dai tedeschi, tra i quali due ragazzi dell'esercito, Gunther e Michael, che cominciano ad affezionarvisi. The War Horse is an award-winning nonprofit newsroom educating the public on military service. War Horse: The True Story (W/T) is the extraordinary and deeply moving story of the million British horses who served in WWI. "[20][21] Spielberg saw the London production of the play on February 1, 2010, and met some of the cast afterwards. Spielberg, the chronicler of boyhood desires and yearnings for family. Albert, pur dispiaciuto, è ormai pronto a separarsi dal cavallo quando questi, tirato avanti dal suo nuovo padrone, torna indietro per stare con Albert. [86] Up to 280 horses were used in a single scene. Da sempre desiderosa di imparare a cavalcare, si affeziona alle bestie chiamandole François e Claude. Viene rimproverato dalla consorte, che lo accusa di essersi fatto ingannare, ma non trova d'accordo il figlio, che ben presto instaura un rapporto di profondo affetto con l'animale, cui assegna il nome di Joey. [29] A farrier was on set to replace horseshoes sucked off in the mud during filming, and the horses playing the main horse characters had a specialist equine make-up team, with their coats dyed and markings added to ensure continuity. A un'asta di paese, in un villaggio del Devon, Ted Narracott, un piccolo affittuario di una fattoria dove vive con la moglie Rose e il figlio Albert, acquista per trenta ghinee un cavallo baio, non ancora adulto e che è stato tolto alla madre. [141], Giving the film an A- grade, Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly wrote, "The project is tailor-made for Saving Private Ryan Spielberg, the war-story specialist, as well as for E.T. [28] Curtis produced over a dozen drafts in three months,[29] and has spoken of the close collaboration he had with Spielberg while working on the script. "[137] Metacritic reports a score of 72/100 based on 40 critics, indicating "Generally favorable reviews". Packaging . Separato dalla madre e acquistato da Ted, un ruvido agricoltore, è destinato all’aratro e a risollevare le sorti della famiglia Narracott. [9][10], Morpurgo tried to adapt the book into a film screenplay, working for over five years with Simon Channing-Williams, which would ultimately go unproduced. It's a musical journey full of dimension and emotional content, and I tried also to create an atmosphere reflective of that period, which was lyrical, poetic and tragic. Il francese, profondamente commosso, viene nel frattempo a conoscenza della storia che lega il giovane e l'animale, storia che trova conferma quando Albert riconosce la bandiera del reggimento del padre, bandiera che il nonno aveva rinvenuto addosso a Joey. War Horse is a 2011 American war film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg, from a screenplay written by Lee Hall and Richard Curtis, based on Michael Morpurgo's 1982 novel of the same name and its 2007 stage adaptation. Leggete la nostra intervista a Steven Spielberg. [129] Three television advertisements for the film were released in the U.S. on November 24, 2011,[130] shortly followed by others. Longtime Spielberg collaborators Kathleen Kennedy, Janusz Kamiński, Michael Kahn, Rick Carter, and John Williams all worked on the film as producer, cinematographer, editor, production designer, and music composer, respectively. We're not using any of the techniques we used on Ryan. [98] Kahn and Spielberg cut the film digitally on an Avid rather than on film, a first with this technology for Spielberg; "He decided that he'd like to try it", Kahn commented. [Spielberg] feels great about it. For other uses, see, "I won't kid you, it was more money [for the film rights] than I've ever been paid for anything I've ever written. In contrast, War Horse is Spielberg's first foray into World War I storytelling,[37] as he admitted that, prior to learning about the War Horse book and play, "I had never been that interested in World War I". [82] Kahn also said of his work on the film: "We put together here in Hollywood. It starts out in a more intimate way, on the farm with the bonding of Joey and Albert. The horses are deployed to Flanders with a flying column under the command of Nicholls and Major Stewart. 171 – The Top 10 Movies of 2011", British Academy of Film and Television Arts, "Backbeat: Rolfe Kent Receives Career Achievement Honor at BMI Film and TV Awards", "Tree of Life Leads CFCA Nominations with 7; Descendants, Drive Follow with 6", "The 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards NOMINATIONS", "Drive & Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy lead London Critics' Circle Film Awards nominations", "2012 Golden Reel Award Nominees: Feature Films", National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, "2011 International Press Academy Satellite Award Nominees", Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education,, Films with screenplays by Lee Hall (playwright), Album articles lacking alt text for covers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Best Sound Editing: Sound Effects and Foley in a Feature Film, Best Sound Editing: Dialogue and ADR in a Feature Film, This page was last edited on 30 November 2020, at 18:50. DreamWorks Pictures acquired the film rights to the novel in December 2009, with Spielberg announced to direct the film in May 2010. [135] The single-disc DVD includes the bonus feature War Horse: The Look, and the digital versions include "An Extra's Point of View"; the two-disc combo pack includes both bonus features. Albert tries to enlist but is too young, and before the company departs, he ties his father's pennant to Joey's bridle and promises Joey he will find him. It's a war movie so the score has a lot of brass—but it was gentle music often. [118][119] On its launch, the website was rather sparse, with only the official trailer and synopsis, and two of the ten previously-released official images. min. The film was named one of the top ten best films of 2011 by the American Film Institute and the National Board of Review, and was nominated for six Academy Awards (including Best Picture), two Golden Globe Awards, and five BAFTAs. Steven wasn't interested in bringing Private Ryan into it, but we did want to make a PG-13 movie.

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