One theory suggests that the Japanese may have smuggled experimental biological weapons manufactured by them. If so, what went wrong? 4 cargo-hold, forcing the boarding party to hastily evacuate the doomed Dutch freighter, thus preventing any further investigations to be carried out. [11][14], Bainton and others hypothesize that Ourang Medan might have been involved in smuggling operations of chemical substances such as a combination of potassium cyanide and nitroglycerin or even wartime stocks of nerve agents. You may have heard the mystery of the Ourang Medan ghost ship - in 1947 (or 1948, accounts vary) distress SOS's were sent by a ship called the Ourang Medan in the Strait of Malacca. The ship itself didn’t appear to have suffered any damage. Some claims it had … Even undead pirates, like the crew of the fictional Black Pearl, were suspect. La SS Ourang Medan era una nave mercantile olandese che, secondo varie fonti, naufragò nelle acque indonesiane dopo che il suo intero equipaggio era deceduto in circostanze a dir poco misteriose e terribili. The remainder of the bridge officers were found in the wheelhouse and chartroom. According to the story, the Ourang Medan was sailing from an unnamed small Chinese port to Costa Rica, and deliberately avoided the authorities. [2][13][14] Furthermore, no registration records for a ship by the name of Ourang Medan could be located in various countries, including the Netherlands. No one is sure when. Suggested Websites To Read More “ CARGO OF DEATH ” ~ Article by Marine historian Roy Bainton, September 1999 issue of Fortean Times, Page 28 One English reference to the ship and the incident is in May 1952 issue of the Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council, published by the United States Coast Guard. The Dutch newspaper concludes with a disclaimer: "This is the last part of our story about the mystery of the Ourang Medan. No U.S. ship could transport it as it would leave a paper trail. Kapal Hantu SS Ourang Medan. Within the letter, Marck first asks the recipient of the letter if they believe the story of the Ourang deals with “something from the unknown” then retells the story of the Ourang and its sinking. But there was little the Star’s sailors could do, and they were forced to beat a hasty retreat when the Ourang Medan caught fire. “I feel sure that the SS Ourang Medan holds the answer to many of these aeroplane accidents and unsolved mysteries of the sea,” the author of the memo wrote. as the recipient. The SS Ourang Medan. The story's first appearance was a series of three articles in the Dutch-Indonesian newspaper De locomotief: Samarangsch handels- en advertentie-blad (February 3, 1948,[6] February 28, 1948,[7] and March 13, 1948). Those that received this message insisted that the transcript went: All Officers, including the Captain, are dead. [1] The story of the Ourang Medan has, to some degree, become a legend. In the late 1940s, the SS Ourang Medan, a Dutch freighter, sent out a distress signal seeking rescue. Das Totenschiff in der Südsee. At the time, Sumatra was a Dutch colony that formed part of the Dutch East Indies. Accounts of the ship's accident have appeared in various books and magazines, mainly on Forteana. Then, after that chilling message, there was nothing more heard of. “All officers including captain are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. Storia. This booklet, called Das Totenschiffin der Südsee, established the date as June 1947. The name of the ship that found the Ourang Medan is never mentioned, but the location of the encounter is described as 400 nautical miles (740 km; 460 mi) southeast of the Marshall Islands. Another theory is that the ship was transporting nerve gas which the Japanese military had been storing in China during the war, and which was handed over to the U.S. military at the end of the war. Not even the ship’s dog escaped the terror of whatever had taken place. It suddenly ran into mysterious problems and sent a horrifying distress call to nearby ships. S.S. Ourang Medan adalah kapal kargo Belanda yang menurut beberapa pengarang karam di perairan Selat Malaka setelah seluruh krunya tewas tanpa diketahui sebabnya. The author of this publication was a man by the name of Otto Mielke. Not only that, but they were found “teeth bared, with their upturned faces to the sun, staring, as if in fear…”Even the ship’s dog was dead, frozen in this ghastly state, mid-growl at an assailant or horror unknown! This response, released May 7, 2002, establishes the C.I.A. Bainton and others have put forward the possibility that accounts of, among others, the date, location, names of the ships involved, and circumstances of the accident might have been inaccurate or exaggerated, or that the story might be completely fictitious. The story still appears to originate with Silvio Scherli in Trieste. The S.S. Ourang Medan … Hoewel na zo’n lange tijd nog moeilijk iets valt te achterhalen, zijn er over verloop van tijd wel meerdere mogelijke verklaringen genoemd die variëren van koolmonoxide tot het paranormale en ufo’s. For instance, this story happened in either June 1947 or February 1948. The captain was found, as one might have expected, on his bridge. [3] An earlier English reference was published on October 10, 1948 in The Albany Times of Albany, N.Y. and references its original source as Elsevier's Weekly. A Dutch freighter, SS Ourang Medan, sent shivers down the spine of the rescue crew that landed on it after they were alerted of its peculiar behavior in 1948. The Grace Line shipping company had bought rights to the vessel and renamed it. Possibly whole crew dead.” This message was followed by indecipherable Morse code then one final grisly message… “I die!” These chilling words were heard in a distress call picked up by numerous ships near Indonesia, from the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan in February, 1948. Comparisons to the Philadelphia Experiment have been made by some UFOlogists. Not all of these are true and accurate accounts or if they are, they are prone to exaggerations and embellishment. With the help of British and Dutch listening posts, the coordinates of the vessel thought to be transmitting were triangulated. Maritime history is full of tales of ghost ships and sea serpents. [2][13] A radio operator aboard the troubled vessel sent the following message in Morse code: "S.O.S. The shocking story of SS Ourang Medan In February, 1948, distress calls were picked up by numerous ships near Indonesia, from the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan. [16], Several authors note their inability to find any mention of the case in Lloyd's Shipping Register. We must repeat that we don't have any other data on this 'mystery of the sea'. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Ourang Medan: Conjuring a Ghost Ship. The local temperature was in excess of 100°F but members of the team felt an ominous chill coming from somewhere. Even as the rescue ship pulled alongside, no signs of life could be seen visually. Possibly whole crew dead. Sometime around 1940, somewhere in the western Pacific, the cargo ship Ourang Medan sent out a distress call via Morse code. The survivor, an unnamed German, died after telling his story to the missionary, who told the story to the author, Silvio Scherli of Trieste, Italy. One of the arguments that counters the truth of the event came from the registry of the Ourang Medan. When a rescue ship arrived the crew were all dead, with staring eyes and gaping mouths and no sign of what had killed them. While some of these tales originate centuries ago, one of the more curious tales is mere decades old. Lying in chartroom and bridge. Within seconds after they severed the tow rope, the Ourang Medan exploded. [4] The word Ourang (also written Orang) is Malay or Indonesian for "man" or "person",[5] whereas Medan is the largest city on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, giving an approximate translation of "Man from Medan". All rights reserved. Was the tragedy on the S.S. Ourang Medan a genuine event or just a mariner’s seafaring tale designed to scare, frighten, or dissuade? [3] No survivors were located and no visible signs of injuries on the dead bodies were observed. The chilling message was, “All officers including captain are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. Premessa. De SS Ourang Medan begon echter te roken, en een explosie maakt een einde aan het schip. The shocking story of SS Ourang Medan In February, 1948, distress calls were picked up by numerous ships near Indonesia, from the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan. [1] El relato del Ourang Medan ha alcanzado ribetes legendarios. According to these theories, sea water would have entered the ship's hold, reacting with the cargo to release toxic gases, which then caused the crew to succumb to asphyxia and/or poisoning. Accept Read More, Legends and Sightings of the Flying Dutchman, Discovery of Over 40 Ancient Shipwrecks in the Black Sea. Based on the name, people speculate that it was registered in Sumatra, a Dutch colony at the time. It may seem obvious that this is a thrilling romance of the sea. The man, before perishing, tells the missionary that the ship was carrying a badly stowed cargo of sulphuric acid, and that most of the crew perished because of the poisonous fumes escaping from broken containers. Interesting history topics are just a click away. On a chilly morning of February 1948, a number of ships near the coasts of Indonesia received a … Reports go on to suggest that, shortly after the ship was boarded, a fire broke out in its b… Dropa Stones: Are They 12,000 Year Old Discs? La SS Ourang Medan era una nave mercantile olandese che, secondo varie fonti, naufragò nelle acque indonesiane dopo che il suo intero equipaggio era deceduto in circostanze a dir poco misteriose e terribili. Rumors suggest that a crewman aboard the Silver Star authenticated this. It was therefore loaded onto a non-registered ship for transport to the U.S. or an island in the Pacific. El SS Ourang Medan fue un supuesto barco fantasma, que según diversas fuentes, naufragó en aguas de las Indias Orientales Holandesas o en el océano Pacífico después de que toda su tripulación hubiera muerto en circunstancias sospechosas, ya sea en 1940, 1947 o 1948 según el periódico consultado. The SS Ourang Medan was a Dutch ship that was passing through the Strait of Malacca, sometime between June of 1940 and 1948. A Japanese bacteriologist named Shirō Ishii conducted terrible experiments during the Second World War. Even Lloyd’s Shipping registers and the Dictionary of Disasters at sea 1824-1962 has found no mention of the Ourang Medan. Marck Jr. of Scottsdale, Arizona sent a private letter to Director of the C.I.A. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | DMCA Notice, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Public interest in the story of the Ourang Medan is reflected in correspondence sent to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.). No one is sure when. They were also decaying quicker than they should. O SS Ourang Medan foi um navio fantasma, que de acordo com várias fontes [carece de fontes? A few confused dots and dashes (of Morse code) later, two words came through clearly. The SS Ourang Medan was a Dutch ship that was passing through the Strait of Malacca sometime between June of 1940 and 1948. The SS Ourang Medan was a Dutch ship that was passing through the Strait of Malacca sometime between June of 1940 and 1948. The Ourang Medan: Conjuring a Ghost Ship - Kindle edition by Butziger, Alexander. [1] El relato del Ourang Medan ha alcanzado ribetes legendarios. A Dutch freighter, SS Ourang Medan, sent shivers down the spine of the rescue crew that landed on it after they were alerted of its peculiar behavior in 1948. Known as Unit 731, the weapon was secret research and development. A memo by C.H Marck Jr, assistant to the Director of the CIA Allen Dulles, in 1959. It's another of those classic mystery ships from nautical lore. Probably whole of crew dead * * *." It was answered briefly "on behalf of Mr. Dulles" by the "Assistant to the Director," who takes a dismissive tone. The moment that the search party boarded, it was obvious that the messages were horribly accurate. Grave Reviews Horror News, Reviews, Share your Nightmare or Story, Find a Haunted Attraction Near You. Another mystery was the conditions of the victims. The crew was indeed dead, their bodies strewn across the decks. It's a big Universe full of wonders. It suddenly ran into mysterious problems and sent a horrifying distress call to nearby ships. The person to whom Marck wrote remains redacted by the C.I.A. Building off of Hargraves’ work, Andrew Hochheimer took a dive into the Ourang Medan — and one of his sources, Alexander Butzige of the book The Ourang Medan: Conjuring A Ghost Ship, seems to have located a news article that pegs a precise date to the mystery. The SS Ourang Medan will supposedly was spotted sometime between 1947-1948 in Indonesia and remains unsolved as a vessel which never has been confirmed.

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