I give You my ears so that they hear your heartbeat, Continue being obedient to the Divine Will in the place where it has led you. Oh, Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe! SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 You therefore see me here, prostrate before the Throne of Your Majesty: I choose you as my Queen and my Lady, and for this reason I wish to redouble the sovereignty and dominion that you have over me; I wish to depend on You, and I desire that the designs of Divine Providence for me would pass through Your Hands. A FORM OF INVOCATION THAT SPEAKS, SINGS OF AND SHOWS THE ANGEL OF PEACE (3) WHO WILL COME TO EARTH TO HELP THE FAITHFUL PEOPLE IN TIMES OF ATROCIOUS PERSECUTION. Many tectonic faults have been activated by the influence of the Sun and of celestial bodies that are approaching the Earth, allowing underwater volcanoes to appear with a great roar. JANUARY 28, 2019 If an angel of Heaven has the great honor of being at your feet, joyfully opening his arms and spreading his wings to form a support for Your Majesty, what should I do to show my veneration for Your person, if not offer You my heart and my soul so that, by sanctifying it with Your Divine feet, it might become a Throne worthy of Your Sovereignty? I accept you today as my refuge from What good reason to strengthen my confidence, to propagate your devotion and to beseech you so that, opening your heart and recalling the ample power that the Omnipotence of the Lord has given you on behalf of mortals, you might deign to imprint within my soul the image of the Most High, who has erased my faults! PRAYER INSPIRED TO LUZ DE MARIA THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Receive on this day the complete surrender of my being. Mother of Mercy, Teacher of hidden and silent sacrifice, to you, who come to meet us sinners, we dedicate on this day all our being and all our love. TO HER BELOVED DAUGHTER LUZ DE MARIA NOVEMBER 29, 2020 . NOVEMBER 3, 2016 messaggio della santissima vergine maria alla sua amata figlia luz de maria 29 novembre 2020… MAY 21, 2018 This is a lesson on becoming a true child of God. Messaggio più recente in fondo alla pagina Messaggi normalmente molto lunghi, qui trovate solo alcuni estratti. I trust in your kindness: may all things work for the good of my soul and the Honor and Glory of the Lord, who is so pleased that the whole world recognizes you as its Queen. Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, we pray to you for all the Bishops, that they may lead the faithful along paths of intense Christian life, of love and humble service of God and souls. Cerchiamo 100 persone che recitino 3 Rosari ogni giorno per salvare l'Italia,qua Vorremmo sapere il numero effettivo delle persone che lo stanno realmente ancora facendo, perciò se vi siete inscritti in precedenza vi preghiamo di confermare la vostra adesione, in modo … You did not disdain to take the tilma of the poor from Juan Diego so that it might be imprinted with Your Face, enchanting the angels, charming men and causing the admiration of the entire universe. Beloved People of My Son, you must maintain due respect for the present disease and take the measures necessary so that you would not fall prey to it. CONSECRATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF THE. Within the framework of the global pandemic that we are experiencing (and that was announced in these revelations) we are facing great changes that will lead humanity to a new order, protected under the justification of health by world organizations ... my human will tends more frequently. How well that carpet formed by the moon at Your Sacred Feet speaks of Your sovereignty! Deign, Lady, to grant this token: do not despise it as unworthy, since I make up for the merit that it lacks on account of my misery and poverty with my good will and desires. Confiad plenamente en el Poder de Dios. Messaggi di Gesù e di Maria alla signora Luz de Maria de Bonilla MESSAGGIO DI NOSTRO SIGNORE GESÙ CRISTO ALLA SUA FIGLIA AMATA LUZ DE MARÍA 28 GENNAIO 2012 Figli Amati: ACCOGLIETE IL MIO AMORE. Lleven la luz de mi Hijo, de este modo destruirán las tinieblas que, siempre cada vez más, quieren aferrarlos y conducirlos lejos de mi Hijo Jesús. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. I give You my heart, so that it only loves You, TO LUZ DE MARIA Christ, clean my hands so they do not rise up against my brother or sister; NOVEMBER 25, 2016 MESSAGGIO DI SAN MICHELE ARCANGELO A LUZ DE MARIA 03 APRILE 2020 Figli di Dio, Uno e Trino: L’AMORE DIVINO SI DIFFONDE NELL... Anche tu puoi creare un blog gratis su Libero Blog. How many who devoted themselves to judging their brothers and sisters are groaning in hell because of the predominance of pride and envy that poisoned them from within! Inizialmente riceveva un messaggio con cadenza settimanale, il giovedì, dal 25 di gennaio 1987, invece la cadenza è divenuta mensile. MESSAGGI E PROFEZIE - 12 GENNAIO 2020 - LUZ DE MARIA : APOCALISSE - CONVERTIAMOCI PietroPaolo Trinita ... il vero senso del Coronavirus e l'ultimo messaggio di Akita - Duration: 27:27. my will seeks Your presence Lord I wish to save my soul by freeing it MESSAGGIO DEL 28 GENNAIO 2016 A LUZ DE MARIA Amati figli del Mio Cuore Immacolato, la … 2018 REQUEST FROM OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO HIS BELOVED DAUGHTER LUZ DE MARIA … May they not live in it, but rather Jesus and Mary. Human pride and arrogance are part of the creature's ego that you must convert so that it would not fight against you, but rather help you and make your path easier. Return to the Divine Will for the good of your soul and in order to help your brothers and sisters. We implore Your Maternal intercession at this moment to send Its angelic protectors to combat Oren, queridos hijos, y crezcan en la santidad. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Cuenta Instagram de la Luz de Maria -> Aquí. Pray, My children, pray for China. Man has separated himself from the Most Holy Trinity and from Our Queen and Mother: he does not love, does not forgive. FEBRUARY 25, 2020, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.” (Mt. By those resplendent stars with which you are adorned, infuse me with a fiery and fervent charity, in order to love my God with all my heart and with all my strength, and after God, You as the only being worthy of universal love. Messaggio di Medjugorje, 25 novembre 2020 - "Cari figli! Approfitta di queste opportunità di salvezza sicura che la morte non può distruggere. Pray for China. Christ, by Your cross teach me to see pain; You possess a weapon which the devil fears with horror and fright: it is the weapon of the Holy Rosary, not recited but consciously meditated ... Take God back into your homes, pray my Holy Rosary, as the family that prays together stays together" —Maria Mother of … May Your Holy Mantle be shield and shelter for all Amen. Non offendete il Cuore Divino di Mio Figlio, VIVETE COME SE STESTE VIVENDO L’ULTIMO GIORNO DELLA VOSTRA VITA. I pity those who do not want to be defended and make no effort to change the course of their lives, work and action. ULTIMO MESSAGGIO DELLA VERGINE A LUZ DE MARIA - 30 SETTEMBRE 2012. As Prince of the Heavenly Armies I defend and bless you. Continue to pray for one another. Messaggio della Madonna a Luz De Maria 15-03-2020 APPARIZIONI DELLA MADONNA, LUZ DE MARIA. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ANCHE SE IGNORATE LE MIE SUPPLICHE, CONTINUERÒ A CHIAMARVI SENZA STANCARMI. Christ, by Your cross teach me to be humble; That Light is within you, the Light of Grace and Holiness. in which I contrite it and lead it to suffer. Christ, by Your cross teach me to love as You love; Christ, cleanse my steps so that they are directed only towards You; Do not abandon us in this valley of tears, Grieve over me, loving and tender Mother; since I am like the Moon in my inconstancy, may I be like the Moon that is at Your Feet, always remaining firm in your devotion and love, so as not to be diminished by my faults. vi invito a rimanere in unione con mio figlio e per farlo È necessario che rimaniate in stato di grazia.. to Your most Holy Will. FEBRUARY 24, 2013 28 marzo 2014 conferenza di luz de maria (2^ parte) 28 marzo 2014 conferenza di luz de maria (1^ parte) 27 marzo 2014 messaggio di nostro signore gesu' cristo . Contemplate this immense harvest, and intercede with the Lord that He may instill a hunger for holiness in the whole people of God, and grant abundant vocations of priests and religious, strong in the faith and zealous dispensers of God’s mysteries. Saint Michael the Archangel gives us a lesson on unity and fraternity by order of our Lord Jesus Christ, requesting a Triduum from us prior to December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, so that, in union with all humanity, we would Consecrate ourselves to Our Lady by invoking her under this title that shows us the firmament and the Angel of Peace. Gesù disse ancora a Suor Faustina:“ Quando con fede e con cuore contrito, mi reciterai questa preghiera per qualche peccatore, io gli darò la grazie della conversione. Pregate, figlioli, affinché Gesù Bambino nasca nei vostri cuori. Questo è il tempo dell'amore, del calore, della preghiera e della gioia. I see in this most beautiful portrait that which leads me to know the high perfections with which the Lord endowed Your Most Innocent Soul. You need to find the Peace that is only enjoyed by souls who are truly on the way to conversion; train your thoughts and tame your mind so that you would strive to resemble Our Queen and Mother. Here I am before You, give me to drink of Your Love VEGGETENTE CATTOLICA LUZ DE MARIA DE BONILLA. chi si addentra nella mia volontÀ, riparando ed amando costantemente, senza separarsi da me e prende la ferma decisione di iniziare una vita in unione con me, questo mio figlio nascerÀ di nuovo…. Christ, by Your cross teach me to be a useful servant to You; Receive, I beg You, this my consecration to You, Sei destinato al cielo. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, 5.12.2020. not demand from others what I should be. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY AND OF OUR QUEEN AND MOTHER, I BLESS YOU. La Reina de la Paz en Medjugorje, el 4 de mayo de 2020, nos instó a proclamar siempre la verdad, dando al vidente Ivan su tenero mensaje. Pregate per i santi sacerdoti affinchè, possano confortarvi nel momento della sofferenza e della tribolazione. Leggi le Magnifiche Promesse. Immaculate Mother, Blessed Sanctuary of love: To You do we cry, hear our pleas, Lift me up, my Christ, and teach me PEOPLE OF MEXICO, OUR QUEEN AND MOTHER LOVES AND BLESSES YOU. Il Popolo di Mio Figlio ha disatteso L'UNITÀ con la Santissima… ... COMMENTO DI LUZ DE MARIA. This I ask you, O Lady, and for this I offer you the fabric of my heart. It longs for Your Love, which I deny it NON CI SONO FORSE QUI IO CHE SONO VOSTRA MADRE? being so human, because I scorn La Madonna benedice, chiude le mani, la luce diventa più intensa e Maria scende in essa fino in mezzo a noi, mentre gli angeli rimangono in alto insieme a S. Michele Arcangelo, poi tutti scompaiono. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE: I invite you to pray for China. Amato Popolo di Mio Figlio, dovete mantenere il dovuto rispetto per la presente malattia e prendere le misure necessarie per non caderne preda. Messaggi della Madonna, e di Gesù inviati per risvegliare i figli della luce e distaccarli dal mondo. I â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.. give myself, Mother, to Your protection and to Your guidance; I do not want to walk alone in the midst of the storm of this world. Pray for China, death looms. I love You and adore You in the name Great events are continuing to occur at this time when humanity is living in Tribulation. Christ, cleanse my tongue so that I do not judge my neighbor; We wish to be entirely yours and to walk with you along the way of complete faithfulness to Jesus Christ in His Church; hold us always with your loving hand. Dispose of me as you please; I want the events and situations of my life to be borne by you. THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Confiad plenamente en el Poder de Dios. Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus, Â. 30 persone ne parlano. LUZ DE MARÍA THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY His Holiness John Paul II Mexico, January 1979. Cuenta Instagram de la Luz de Maria -> Aquí. Medjugorje: mensaje 4 de octubre de 2019 a Ivan “Queridos hijos, también hoy los invito, de manera particular, a la renovación de la oración familiar. From today on I give myself wholly to You. This being so, I too am yours: I too belong to You under a thousand titles; and on this occasion I entrust myself to You by one more title, as the Queen of America under the title of Our Mother of Guadalupe. 21 settembre 2008: ""Una sofferenza che mi rattrista molto e che è strettamente legata al Santo Padre, è la difficoltà che i cristiani avranno qui sulla Terra … MESSAGE FROM SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Para que la santidad de ustedes sea completa, ¡oren! France will be severely shaken. Grant peace, justice and prosperity to our peoples; for we entrust to your care all that we have and all that we are, our Lady and Mother. Dear readers, we wish to share this profound prayer that the Blessed Virgin dictated to luz de Maria early morning of June 11 of this year, it contains a revelation about the soul and gives us a divine recipe to make us more aware of and consistent with this spiritual reality, from which unfortunately we are constantly diverted and made numb to by the things of the world ... Adored and Beloved Christ, This coarse and common fabric - this poor but blessed ayate [fibre] on which your singular beauty is stamped, make plain the deepest humility that served both as the summit and foundation of Your astounding holiness. IT IS THE WISH OF OUR KING AND LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST THAT A WORLDWIDE TRIDUUM SHOULD BE OFFERED TO OUR AND YOUR MOTHER OF GUADALUPE, AND THAT ON DECEMBER 12TH YOU WOULD CONSECRATE YOURSELVES TO HER UNDER THIS TITLE, PARTICULARLY CONSECRATING THE MEXICAN PEOPLE, HANDED OVER TO SATAN BY SOME OF THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus, Scultura di Sergio Rodella su marmo nero del Belgio. Para que la santidad de ustedes sea completa, ¡oren! Fratelli: En Medjugorje, la Virgen habló al vidente Ivan Dragicevic, dando su mensaje de esperanza al mundo. I plead with You to help me in this life, To all my Brothers in Our Lord Jesus Christ: We begin the Lenten Season, forty days during which we must meditate, deepen, see ourselves and act on our own to become united to Our Lord Jesus Christ, to Our Most Holy Mother, to the Choirs of Angels and to all our brothers. THERE IS NONE LIKE GOD! 23 marzo 2014 riflessione di luz de maria . of all human creatures Cerchiamo 100 persone che recitino 3 Rosari ogni giorno per salvare l'Italia,qua Vorremmo sapere il numero effettivo delle persone che lo stanno realmente ancora facendo, perciò se vi siete inscritti in precedenza vi preghiamo di confermare la vostra adesione, in modo … Sei destinato al cielo. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN Christ, cleanse me and renew me. our towns and homes be sealed by the Celestial protection. Here I am, my Christ, I ask for Your forgiveness. NON TEMETE! THE BLESSED VIRGEN MARY Pray, beloved children, pray for China.  Life depends on each one of you; that there exists a before and an after in your way to conversion.Â, But at the same time, you should be aware that when you are all united, as our Blessed Mother has asked us, with prayer, fasting, penance and knowing that man without God is nothing, can we advance in the midst of the hardship that man is and will be subjected to.Â, Yes, this is the crossroad that has been announced so many times by Heaven.  At this moment, if we are looking at all the aspects of society, that evil has entered with such force in men and for that, let’s not allow this Lenten Season to be just one more, that will culminate like the previous ones, perhaps going on vacation, or involved in worldly affairs, because brothers, let’s not wait for nightfall without having not yet rediscovered God.Â. MESSAGGIO DI NOSTRO SIGNORE GESÙ CRISTOAlla Sua Amata Figlia Luz De Maria | Martedì, 14 Aprile 2020 RICEVETE LA MIA BENEDIZIONE IN QUESTO MOMENTO IN CUI L’UMANITÀ È COLPITA DALLA MALATTIA. Se te ha enviado una contraseña por correo electrónico. A thousand times blessed be the hand of God who knew how to unite in You such rare beauty with such enhanced purity, and such brilliance and richness  arrayed with such gentle humility. DECEMBER 5, 2020. Christ, clean my life story, so as not to judge by my past; Christ, clean my senses so they do not lead me to act badly; The calamities will not be made to wait: My children will weep, suffering will be scattered soon. Fountain of infinite mercy, take possession of my being; MYRIAM DI CARBONIA. messaggio di nostro signore gesÙ cristo alla sua amata figlia luz de maria 9 luglio 2018 7 538 10 jul. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, Il Lunedì 28 di agosto dell’anno del Signore 2006, a Luz de Maria venne rivelata da Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo una nuova Devozione alla Santissima Vergine con il titolo di “REGINA E MADRE DEGLI ULTIMI TEMPI”. messaggio della santissima vergine maria alla sua figlia amata luz de maria 15 gennaio 2017. amati figli del mio cuore immacolato:. Give me the wisdom and the humility so that MARCH 23, 2011 Our hope, look upon us with compassion, teach us to go continually to Jesus and, if we fall, help us to rise again, to return to Him, by means of the confession of our faults and sins in the Sacrament of Penance, which gives peace to the soul. Christ, cleanse my thoughts of what is improper; SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 AUGUST 17, 2011 The continued disobedience of those responsible of executing this Divine request, has deprived man of the possibility of having avoided what is to come …. Yet since there is not enough wealth in my heart to pay for it, I turn to You to enrich me with the precious gifts of an ardent and fervent charity, a deep humility, and prompt obedience to the Lord. MAY YOU NOT BE FRIGHTENED BY WHAT HEAVEN HAS DECLARED TO YOU SO THAT YOU MAY PREPARE, BUT MAY THAT WHICH YOU KNOW BE WHAT LEADS YOU TO INCREASE YOUR FAITH, THE DESIRE TO SAVE THE SOUL AND THE DESIRE TO COOPERATE IN THE SALVATION OF SOULS. PEOPLE OF GOD, BE CAREFUL IN YOUR WORKS AND ACTION…! What lamentation rises up from the flames of hell from those who used to attend Holy Mass daily and committed sacrilege by receiving communion in a state of sin! Pray for China, it will suffer. That is what you are, O Lady, because as the Daughter, as the Mother and Spouse of the Most High you exert an absolute power and a most just right over all creatures. Pregate con Me per la vita nuova di tutti voi. MESSAGGI A LUZ DE MARIA Estratto del messaggio del 26 agosto 2012 Seguite le nostre ammonizioni, rimanete attaccati ai benefici della natura per attenuare le malattie. Make Your Throne in my heart and it will thus not become debased by the entry of guilt and enslavement to the devil. DIVINE HELP WILL BE PRESENT. REVELATIONS GIVEN TO LUZ DE MARÍA, read... CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Leggi le Magnifiche Promesse. Pray, People of God, pray. Christ, by Your cross teach me to be kind; Post n°589 pubblicato il 02 Ottobre 2012 da elshaddaiadonai. So that nothing and no one separates me from You. Christ, cleanse my reason so that it is not arrogant; (3 times.). Luz De Maria Amato Popolo di Mio Figlio, dovete mantenere il debito rispetto per l’attuale malattia e dovete prendere le misure necessarie per non cadervi. “Cari figli, la Madre Maria Immacolata, Madre di tutti i Popoli, Madre di Dio, Madre della Chiesa, Regina degli Angeli, Soccorritrice dei Peccatori e Madre Misericordiosa di tutti i figli della terra, ecco, figli, questa sera viene a voi per amarvi, per benedirvi e per dirvi: “FIGLI MIEI, POPOLO DI DIO, IN QUESTO TEMPO DESIDERO CHE TUTTI VOI MI RIMANIATE ACCANTO! SOLEMNLY I CONSECRATE TO YOU TODAY, BLESSED MOTHER, MY ENTIRE LIFE, FROM MY BIRTH. You must remain faithful in your quest, thirsting for Divine Love, and repay it for everything that it constantly offers you. We have happily conclude the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, that is why we begin the Triduum to the Virgin of Guadalupe to venerate her. With what expressions of appreciation and gratitude can I repay such delicacy? Christ, by Your cross teach me not to like pride; What else can I believe on seeing you close to the rays of the sun, other than that you are so intimately united to the Sun of Divinity? JUNE 3, 2012 Christ, by Your cross teach me to live in faith, hope and charity. Manca poco, al giudizio che il mondo attende da parte della Santa Sede e di Papa Francesco. messaggio di nostro signore gesÙ cristo alla sua amata figlia luz de maria 14 luglio 2018. amato popolo mio: vi chiedo di salvare l’anima… la salvezza È una scelta personale, dovete riconoscere di essere mie creature e di non essere solo carne, ma di avere un corpo, un’anima e uno spirito (cf.i tes 5,23) e che, per meritarvi la vita eterna, dovete operare ed agire nella mia volontÀ. Luz De Maria. Christ, cleanse my mind and so center me in You; and, recognizing myself as a sinner Short Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel by Pope Leo XIII. amato popolo di dio: quale difensore dell’umanitÀ, tengo in alto la spada che ho in mano e assieme alle mie legioni angeliche siamo al servizio della volontÀ divina. 3.646 - Mensaje de Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz, el 29/04/2012, en Fortaleza / CE Queridos hijos, Yo os amo. JUNE 14, 2010 Figlioli, nei vostri cuori sapete cosa deve cambiare: ritornate a Dio ed ai Suoi Comandamenti affinché lo Spirito Santo possa cambiare le vostre vite ed il volto di questa terra, che … I ask You to teach me to love the Most Holy Trinity with Your same Love, so as not to be indifferent to Its calls or indifferent to mankind. Strengthen your supplications, multiply your prayers, and do not cease to ask the Almighty to make me his, and grant that I might go and thank you for the happy outcome of your intercession in Glory. thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world MAY 18, 2014 As a consequence of this delicate health situation, we see the beginning of the collapse of the world economy, which will be decisive in the consolidation of this planned social engineering in the shadows of the highest and secret spheres of world power. Profezie di Luz De Maria; ... La grazia di Dio, attraverso i Sacramenti, ti assisterà nell'ultimo istante della tua vita sulla terra. With what could an all-celestial beauty be adorned, if not with the radiance of virtues as high and resplendent as yours? You, faithful protector of those who humbly  come Medjugorje: mensaje 4 de octubre de 2019 a Ivan “Queridos hijos, también hoy los invito, de manera particular, a la renovación de la oración familiar. TAKE ME BY YOUR HAND FROM THIS INSTANT, AND AT THE HOUR OF MY DEATH, PRESENT ME BEFORE YOUR DIVINE SON. Mensaje Luz de María, 18 Mar 2018: En la escalada de la lucha silenciosa a la que se suman más y más países, han creado todos los medios para enfermar a gran parte de la población mundial. Ecco la breve preghiera che ti chiedo:” “O sangue e acqua che scaturisci dal cuore di Gesù, come sorgente di misericordia per noi, confido in te”. NOVEMBER 21, 2010 Messaggi della Madonna, e di Gesù inviati per risvegliare i figli della luce e distaccarli dal mondo. Prima del segno visibile che sarà dato all'umanità, ci saranno due avvertimenti al mondo; gli avvertimenti saranno avvenimenti che succederanno sulla terra. amato popolo di dio: quale difensore dell’umanitÀ, tengo in alto la spada che ho in mano e assieme alle mie legioni angeliche siamo al servizio della volontÀ divina. Pray, People of God, pray and offer up. I give You my thinking so that, protected by You, it be a constant hymn of Medjugorje: Las Perlas de María de hoy 9 de Diciembre de 2020, por nosotros sus hijos, Medjugorje: Las Perlas de María de hoy 8 de Diciembre de 2020, por nosotros sus hijos, Medjugorje: Las Perlas de María de hoy 7 de Diciembre de 2020, por nosotros sus hijos, Medjugorje: Las Perlas de María de hoy 6 de Diciembre de 2020, por nosotros sus hijos, Medjugorje: Las Perlas de María de hoy 4 de Diciembre de 2020, por nosotros sus hijos. Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus, The crown that girds the temples of your Sacred head proclaims that you are the queen of the universe. Visiting Her Basilica during his first foreign trip as Pope. MESSAGGIO DI SAN MICHELE ARCANGELO A LUZ DE MARIA 6 FEBBRAIO 2020 ... MESSAGGIO DI SAN MICHELE ARCANGELO A LUZ DE MARIA 25 SETTEMBRE 2020 Amato Popolo di Dio: ... L'ultimo Papa canonizzato (13) Regina della Famiglia. Christ, by Your cross teach me not to gossip; ¡Gracias queridos hijos por haber respondido también hoy a mi llamado!”. People who are loved and protected by Our and your Mother of Guadalupe:(*).

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