Klaus ed Hayley rivelano la sua esistenza al popolo dei licantropi chiedendo loro di proteggerla ed educarla come un membro del loro branco. As she shares the same blood as her father Klaus, her blood could presumably cure a werewolf bite. Porta i tuoi fandom preferiti con te e non perdere mai un colpo. Tyler Lockwood kidnaps Hayley, and tries to kill the baby, as he believes that Klaus desires to use the baby to sire a second army of hybrids. Her mother, her father and her... freyamikaelson; vampire; elijahmikaelson +19 more # 2. our legacy | draco x hope by 16.7K 459 32. Ombre à paupières conçu pour Hope Mikaelson de The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, et Legacies! “The city would have seen you dead, but I will have it your home. Hope was conceived in the episode Bring It On, and it was revealed that Hayley was pregnant in The Originals and she was born in From a Cradle to a Grave. Hope Mikaelson is the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, and Hayley Marshall. Hayley is Hope's mother and sired, and it is shown various times that Hayley strongly cares for her daughter. I due pensano che sia stata opera di Francesca e degli altri lupi mannari del branco Guerrera. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, File:1x03-Hayley tells Klaus they are having a girl.png, File:Hayley and Elijah Fruit of the Poisoned Tree.jpg, File:1.22 From A Cradle To A Grave 013.PNG, File:1.22 From A Cradle To A Grave 015.PNG, https://toonultra.fandom.com/wiki/Hope_Mikaelson?oldid=53221. E' stata chiamata "Hope" (letteralmente: Speranza) da Klaus, che ha preso ispirazione dalle parole del suo fratellastro Elijah che ha definito la bambina come la speranza per una redenzione della loro famiglia. Vampiri • Streghe • Lupi mannari • Umani • Fantasmi • Doppelgängers • Ibridi • Hope Mikaelson. - stream 8 hope mikaelson playlists including The Originals, hayley marshall, and klaus mikaelson music from your desktop or mobile device. Hayley often referred to her baby as "Miracle Magical Baby" but also called her "My Little Girl" and "Baby Girl" in a letter to her. Sono passati cinque anni dalla sconfitta dei Mikaelson. Vous considérez la poterie comme un loisir difficilement abordable, voire inaccessible ? When Hayley shows up later, she has forgotten what has happened, but believes that a wolf is looking after her, and has killed the witches after her to protect her. Achat d electromenager et de petit electromenager. Essendo in parte una Labonair, Hope è un licantropo di sangue reale. Buona visione dal Team di ShowAddicted! Con Landon al sicuro da danni immediati, si riconnettono, anche se prima che le cose diventino troppo fisiche, vengono interrotte da Alaric. Klaus giura alla bambina che ucciderà tutti coloro che vogliono farle del male e che trasformerà New Orleans in una casa sicura per lei, così che possa tornare presto da lui. Femmina Hope è stata concepita in una chiesa da Hayley. He notices the bottle of wolfsbane and sniffs the top. At Kieran's funeral Hayley starts coughing up blood and faints thanks to a spell Monique Deveraux casted. In questo articolo troverete la trama e i link degli episodi di ogni singola stagione di Legacies!! As the only living descendant of Esther, Hope is capable of owning property, something which vampires (including even Original vampires) themselves can't do. Dopo questo, Hope inizia un altro bacio. Essendo anche una strega ed ha ereditato la magia dalla nonna paterna, ragion per cui il sangue è anche sangue di strega e può servire come catalizzatore magico. She explains to her daughter that she writes a letter to her because she never knows her own mother and she wants that her daughter knows how much she is happy to have her. She asks him if he wants to feel her kick. Inginocchiandosi al cospetto di Hope, Marcel soffia contro la bambina una polvere magica che le fa perdere i sensi, mentre Sofya uccide Dominic, pugnalandolo. Monique and Abigail try to stop them by calling upon their ancestors. you have a home in my queendom, you have a place in my queendom. Una volta che lui sarà riuscito a separare l'Ombra tra i quattro fratelli Mikaelson, Hayley dovrà portare Hope via dalla città. Klaus scares him off, however Tyler then goes to Marcel, and informs him of the baby's existence, and that its abilities will prove a threat to the vampire kingdom. Klaus, Elijah and Genevieve take her to the compound. Your Mom.". NEW****In production - PRÉCOMMANDES PRISES - EXPÉDITION EN 3-4 SEMAINES Appel à tous les vampires, originaux et fans de legacies! Hope Mikaelson is a Hybrid, who is the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall, the granddaughter of an unnamed man and Esther, and an unnamed man and an unnamed woman, the step-granddaughter of Mikael, the niece of a deceased unnamed uncle, Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik, and a distant relative of Lana, Eve, and Cary, she takes her father's last name, Mikaelson. The child later kicks for the first time onscreen when the wolves are telling campfire stories, and Hayley happily puts Jackson's hand on her belly so he can feel. He tells her that she proved to be quite resilient, fighters, both her and the baby. Vente de pret-a … Dopodiché la porta via, informando il fratello di avere già una strega fidata che faccia un incantesimo di occultamento, in modo che entrambe possano vivere al sicuro. Ciò vuol dire che il sangue di Hope, l'unica Labonair rimasta in vita, essendo che Hayley è tecnicamente morta quando è diventata un'Ibrida, è l'unica arma che possa distruggerla. She then learned that she will have a daughter. As her children, The Originals act as a conduit of her magic, so the Sophie can channel the power. Hope Mikaelson was surrounded by death and hatred. And as long as the baby lives people will try to kill her. 1 Hope Mikaelson; 2 Hayley Marshall-Kenner; 3 Kol Mikaelson; Explorer les wikis My Hero Academia Saison 4. He doesn't want her to grow up in a prison. Per un attimo Hayley apre quella di Elijah per salutarlo brevemente con un bacio sulla guancia. He prepared a nursery next to Hayley's room. In the episode The Originals, The witch Sophie revealed that the werewolf Hayley was in fact pregnant with Klaus' child. Klaus perdona Marcel e gli dà il suo sangue per curarlo, come ringraziamento per aver salvato la piccola e gli promette che i responsabili della morte degli uomini di Marcel la pagheranno. However Klaus is upset by the attack on his child and suspects that Genevieve is behind this. The blood of her daughter brought her back to life, she is in transition. Membro del Lupo della mezzaluna].Membro del Atlantico nord-orientale.Membro della New Orleans Comunità delle stregheSalvatore Boarding School per i giovani dotati Studente (attualmente) Prigioniera (Precedentemente) Ajouter au panier . Vincent la corregge, uno di loro non basterà, avrà bisogno di almeno quattro di loro, come le ossa che vennero divise in passato tra i quattro branchi di lupi mannari per tenerle lontane, così che il male venga estratto, diviso in parti e separato per sempre in quattro luoghi diversi. Hayley starts screaming in terror and tries to fight the witches, swearing that they will not take her baby and she will kill of them . In The Battle of New Orleans, Genevieve subdues Hayley, this causes the placenta to abrupt and Hayley starts having contractions. Dans Le retour du roi, la sorcière Sophie Deverauxannonce à Hayley qu'elle est enceinte de Klaus. Later Elijah kills Agnes for trying to kill his niece. He hands her over to Rebekah. Have a little Hope- Originals fanfiction. La piccola ammette di aver paura di questa sua magia, che non sempre riesce a controllare, ma Klaus la rassicura dicendo che è sua figlia e che presto diventerà la strega più potente del mondo e che lui la proteggerà ad ogni costo. Rebekah's words clearly affecting her, Hayley heads to Jardin Gris, inquiring wolfsbane in an attempt to abort the baby. In Après Moi, Le Déluge, the baby becomes part in the plan to complete the Harvest, and also to prevent Davina Claire's power from destroying all of New Orleans. This could possibly be false as it was used to precipitate the death of the last living elder Agnes. He wants their daughter to be raised by her parents in her family home. Later on, Hayley is lying on a kitchen table with Sabine dangling a pendant over her stomach. He goes on to mention how at the beginning he didn't care for his own child, but after remembering how Mikael despised him since birth he had a change of heart because he doesn't want to end up being exactly like his father was to him. Con l'aiuto di Freya, Hayley riesce a pugnalare l'Ombra e ucciderla con un pugnale consacrato dal sangue di Hope mentre, contemporaneamente, Hope scioglie il nodo, riuscendo a scollegare la strega da Davina. Nov 19, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Louane Dessine. Finally, she asks that Hayley tell the baby stories of 'her crazy aunt Bex' and, despite her absence, she really does love her niece. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Klaus tells Marcel how the witches forced him to help them take down Marcel by threatening to kill his unborn child. Per proteggerlo dal pericolo, Alaric decise di costringerlo e mandarlo via; tuttavia, Landon tradì Hope e la scuola rubando un coltello soprannaturale dopo che la compulsione fallì. Lei è inoltre la nipote di Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah e Henrik Mikaelson, e la pronipote di Dahlia. Con Hope ancora in preda alla febbre, Hayley decide di andare da Marcel per capire come affrontare la situazione mentre Klaus rimane al fianco della piccola. Klaus asks her to follow him, he wants to show her something. Klaus e Hope hanno dei dolci momenti insieme: l’Originale le racconta alcuni eventi spassosi della sua infanzia insieme ai suoi fratelli, in particolare su Kol, mentre la bambina gli prende la mano e i due passeggiano insieme. Il re di New Orleans propone ai due di allearsi contro i loro nemici comuni, i Mikaelson. It the second reference to the fact that Hope is a fighter, the first was by Hayley in, Despite being only a baby her magic seems to be so great already that. However, the hybrids created are sired to its mother - likely due to it and her being one and the same for the time being. Landon Kirby (Fidanzato) Niklaus Mikaelson † (padre)Hayley Marshall † (madre)Mikael Mikaelson † (nonno adottivo paterno)Esther † (nonna paterna)Ansel † (nonno paterno biologico)Jackson Kenner † (ex patrigno)Mr. Labonair † (nonno materno)Mrs. Labonair † (nonna materna)Dahlia † (prozia paterna)Freya Mikaelson (zia paterna)Elijah Mikaelson † (zio paterno)Finn Mikaelson † (zio paterno)Rebekah Mikaelson (zia paterna)Kol Mikaelson (zio paterno)Henrik Mikaelson † (zio paterno)Marcel Gerard (fratello adottivo)Davina Claire (zia adottiva, sposata con Kol)Keelin (zia adottiva, sposata con Freya Mikaelson )Nik cugino surrogato tramite Keelin e Freya Mikaelson Hope Mikaelson is a major supporting character of The Originals Fanfiction during every season and of Eternal Darkness for the third and fourth seasons. Hope Mikaelson The Vampire Diaries & Originals Wiki Fando . The doctor tells Hayley that her child is healthy and Hayley retortes that she knew it and that her daughter is a tough one, just like her. During Hayley's pregnancy Hope had various nicknames. Vanish h.m/ s.s. 7.3K 171 8. Hope est la fille de l'Hybride originel Klaus Mikaelson, et de l'ancienne louve et Hybride, Hayley Marshall Kenner. Con un'entrata teatrale, Kol si presenta anche ai suoi fratelli. He then gives her a kiss on her forehead and on her cheek. A Mystic Falls alla scuola di magia di Alaric e Caroline, Hayley guarda Hope giocare con altre bambine, quando viene raggiunta dal preside in persona. In Moon Over Bourbon Street, Klaus tells Jackson he counts on the werewolves sense of unity to protect his unborn daughter. In the mean time Hayley and Elijah questions Genevieve. Prima: How her parents can't wait and she promises to her three things: a safe home, people to say how they love her every day and people to fight for her, no matter what. Monique breaks Klaus' neck and they leave with the baby. In Fruit of the Poisoned Tree, while Hayley speaks to Elijah after what happened to her and the baby during his absence and that they decide to find a way to unlike her to Sophie, Agnes enacts a plan to kill the child, by using the link between Sophie and Hayley. Genevieve is about to stab the baby, but Elijah stops her. Hope could possibly practice magic on a higher level than other witches. Klaus tells him there's one person who can. In Sinners and Saints, Hayley questions Sophie about the fact that her child will be the witches' end. Elijah can't hear Hayley's heartbeat, but only that of the baby. Sophie is glad he feels that way, as she blackmails him. Il s’agit du collier Wishbone porté par Hope dans quelques épisods de l’émission de télévision The vampires now believe that Hope will be their end, due to Tyler Lockwood informing them that she will be able to make an army of hybrids that will wipe out the vampiric race, due to hybrids being able to walk in daylight, without the use of a day-walking ring, and kill vampires with a single bite. Rebekah realises that the baby can heal Hayley. Another car drives in and Rebekah steps out of it. Per evitare tutto questo, Klaus chiese a Freya di educare la sua bambina e farle da mentore. 10€64 8 €83. Nel farlo però, la bambina perde i sensi. In the present time of From a Cradle to a Grave Hayley has been taken to St. Anne's Church by Genevieve, Monique Deveraux, Abigail and a few other witches. Hope e Freya si salutano e così anche Hayley. Hope venne definita una bimba miracolosa a causa delle sue origini, essendo la figlia di un licantropo di sangue reale, di un ibrido originale e nipote di una delle streghe più potenti che siano mai esistite, Esther. Hayley comments that the witches cast a spell; if she leaves New Orleans, she and the baby will die.

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