Subito dopo Damon Salvatore e Kol è caddero dal balcone, il resto dei Originali è andato a vedere come Damon gli avesse spezzato il collo. In Sanctuary, Finn actually put a deadly curse on his brother Kol, which killed him a few episodes later in I Love You, Goodbye. 1. Kol released Finn and Finn watched as Esther put Kol in his place, not aware that Kol had seen vital information that he was withholding from them. This change in personality is similar to Mikael who was depicted in a more positive light on The Vampire Diaries. In Behind the Black Horizon, Finn learned that Freya was abducted by Lucien, who had been secretly plotting the downfall of their family for a thousand years. Finn essendo un Vampiro Originale, è in grado di usare la Compulsione Mentale, sia sui umani sia sui vampiri che discendono da qualsiasi linea di sangue di un Originale. In Break On Through, it was revealed by Rebekah that Finn and Sage were lovers, and that he turned her so they could be together forever. Finn Shelby è un personaggio della serie TV britannica Peaky Blinders. However, they would have other weaknesses including the flowers that grew at the base of the tree, a silver dagger dipped in the ashes of the tree that could neutralize them temporarily and they would always have a constant desire for human blood. However, years later, they are both back from the dead, possessing the bodies of a witch and warlock and plan to take over New Orleans. Finn insieme Esther di fronte a Klaus, Kol e Elijah. About an hour after Finn's death, Sage and Troy mysteriously died, with Stefan, Caroline and Elena realizing that once an Original dies, so does every vampire descended from their bloodline. Daniel Sharman è entrato a far parte del cast de I Medici (Medici: Masters of Florence - The Magnificent) nell’estate 2017. You might not feel the effect of the dagger, but you will lose your precious Rebekah." Finn had the captured vampires mindlessly attack them, forcing them to flee, before furiously telling Kol that he was through with his tricks. After Klaus voted as well to let Lucien live, the human takes them to Count de Martel's castle, and after a brief mistrust from the count, the Mikaelsons sibling, with Lucien's aid, are accepted at court. Sage (come umana)KalebKol Mikaelson (nel corpo di Kaleb)Lucien Castle (assieme a Matt; come vampiro) Sage † Finn is, ironically, resurrected as the thing he hates most, an Original Vampire. Infuriato, Mikael uccise l'amante di sua moglie e la sua famiglia, scatenando la guerra tra le razze che sarebbe durato per secoli. First seen Eye color Hayley brought Finn to the compound, where Kol had also been taken captive. Episode Count Elijah questions him on his return and they seem to be on shockingly neutral terms. Finn explained that his boundary spell would drop at sunset so the vampires inside the compound would violently feast on the people of New Orleans, finally taking the city from vampires for good. Ma Finn dice che non ha alcun desiderio di scigliere il legame, solo per vedere suo fratello morto. Nel 2014 entra nel cast di The Originals, in cui interpreta Finn Mikaelson, che si trova nel corpo dello stregone Vincent Griffith. With this magic, Finn channeled the power of Mikael, and later Esther, to give himself even more power and was able to trap dozens of werewolves and vampires with a powerful boundary spell. Played by Significant kills Finn claims that he's done antagonizing his family and he wishes for them all to overlook his past sins. Over time Finn believed her to be dead, and he never got along with his younger siblings as good as his beloved older sister. He threatened to destroy his younger siblings for the monsters that they were. Finn spent most of the time with his mother at the ball, helping her with the preparations for the spell that would bind all of them together. Finn was the only one who knew about Esther's plans for the spell to kill her children. Nella terza stagione ottiene un ruolo fisso nella serie e comincia ad interpretare il ruolo di Vincent. In Rebirth, Finn was still in Vincent's body. Elena gli spara il tranquillante mentre Matt lo finisce con palo di quercia bianca, non sapendo che Bonnie ha rotto l'incantesimo vincolante, prima ci sono riusciti, rendendo la morte di Finn inutile per uccidere Klaus e tragico che hanno ucciso l'unico originale. Klaus refused to tell him and Finn left, finding that vampires and werewolves were gathered in the compound, hoping to form a truce. Strega (originariamente)Vampiro OriginaleFantasma (temporaneamente) Using Cami as a distraction, she invited him on a date, much to Finn's surprise. Soon after, they encountered Matt Donovan, the sheriff of Mystic Falls and Finn's murderer. Finn bevve il suo drink ma rimase ustionato dalla Verbena, mescolata nel drink. To prevent anyone from making a stake from the tree, the family burnt the tree to the ground. This new mindset didn't last though, as he was killed soon after his change of heart. Finn is terrified of the coffin where he rested for nearly a millennium. Appearance Once again, Finn worked closely with his mother, and this time in an effort to get his younger siblings to take on mortal bodies. Finn explained that the dinner was to celebrate his return, having spent 900 years in a box before being killed. In Cadiz, Spain 1702, Finn's body was brought on to a ship by Rebekah, as per Klaus' orders as they were fleeing the city because Kol's destructive appetites drew Mikael to the town. Finn ha incontrò Elena Gilbert e si presentò a lei e ha detto che sua madre la sta aspettando e che ha bisogno di parlarle da sola. Nacque nel Nuovo Mondo, quando i suoi genitori si sono trasferiti lì dopo aver perso il loro primogenito a causa della peste. The two took a walk through Mystic Falls and reminisced about their past together while she showed Finn how their hometown had changed since they had met each other. After a short while, Klaus reclaimed Finn's and the other coffins. Più tardi, vanno a Grill dove prendono un drink e Finn bevuto il suo primo sorso di tequila, mentre Stefan li stava spiando. Tuttavia, un anno dopo la sua morte, con la nascita di sua nipote Hope Mikaelson, Finn rimase con Esther tornando dalla morte impossessandosi del corpo di Vincent, conservò il carattere freddo e distaccato, ma vuole molto bene a sua madre Esther tornata anche lei dalla morte intenti da andare avanti con il loro piano originale per uccidere il vampiri. The Vampire Diaries Originals Legacies Wiki, Pagine contenenti chiamate a template con parametri duplicati, Personaggi della 1 Stagione (The Originals), Personaggi della 2 Stagione (The Originals), Personaggi della 3 Stagione (The Originals), pugnale d'argento immerso nella cenere dell'albero,, Consigliere universitario (precedentemente), Far trasformare un lupo mannaro nella sua forma animale senza l'intervento della luna piena, Imprigionare le menti di Elijah, Kol e Klaus in un'illusione, Permettere a Klaus di trovare il corpo di Freya. Later, he argued with Kol over their respective missions that had been assigned to them. He has brown hair, hazel-green eyes and slim, but athletic figure. He is also the uncle of Freya and Mathias' unborn son, Klaus and Hayley's daughter, Hope, and Freya and Keelin's son, Nik. The Murder of One (TVD)Behind the Black Horizon (TO). The only time it was said that he had put his morality against his vampire ways aside was when he turned his lover, Sage, but later said he regretted letting his love for her overtake his values. Mikael dopo la morte della sua figlia Primogenita,Freya (così gli fece credere Esther) nel vecchio mondo, emigrarono nel Nuovo Mondo dove il suo figlio minore venne ucciso da un lupo . Freya appeared and drew Finn's spirit into her pendant, removing him from his host's body. Poi, dopo che Stefan non riescì nel suo intento, Elena e Matt Donovan appaiono improvvisamente alla porta di servizio del Grill. 5. Casper ZaferCade Weeks (da bambino)Voltaire Council (da giovane)Yusuf Gatewood (Possedendo il corpo di Vincent Griffith). Finn was disapproving when Sage admitted to turning many vampires, but he didn't stay upset with her. Tuttavia nonostante dei tanti vantaggi che possedeva, possedeva debolezze provenienti dall'albero di Quercia Bianca, da cui furono estratti le cenere e dei paletti in grado di distruggerlo. Even with a new body, Finn retained his more refined style of attire. Mikael (as a witch)Matt Donovan (as an Original; 1st time)Lucien Castle (as an Original; 2nd time) Da Ester nel Autunno 1001 (Attraverso Incantesimo dell' Immortalità When they discovered a caravan filled with fine clothing belonging to victims they had just killed, Rebekah suggested they steal the clothes and pose as the victims since they were heading to a nearby castle. After Vincent became Regent of the New Orleans witches, Tristan threatened to put Finn back inside of Vincent's body if Vincent didn't do exactly as The Strix told him to, telling him that if he didn't comply, Finn would. Elijah was quick to remind his siblings of their vow to remain together always and forever. She used up his power but it still wasn't enough and Finn told her good luck before disappearing. As Esther had more children afterward, Finn found himself still very close with his mom, his loyalty to her being greater than to his siblings. Of all the Originals, Finn is sometimes considered the noblest, most virtuous, and most moral, but also the most self righteous and unwavering in his convictions in both his Original Vampire self and his possessing witch self. Finn is the second Original destroyed by a, Finn was the first of Esther and Mikael's children to die as a vampire, as, Initially, Finn wanted to die to avoid living as a vampire, but after finding, Something very similar happens in Season Two of TVD, when. Trasformato: Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt) è la sesta figlia di Esther e quinta di Mikael, sorella minore di Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, Klaus. Out of all of his siblings, Finn had the closest relationship with his mother. They then went on a date to the Grill, where they continued to catch up. After his mother and Elena talked, she put Elena's blood in some wine glasses, then served it to all of her children, which they all drank. Finn realized, though, that Kol was just distracting him from Davina and Aiden sneaking inside. Gli abitanti di New Orleans videro la loro nave e decisero di da dare un'occhiato, trovandovi due bare e al suo interno vi scoprirono i corpi di Finn e Kol, per poi essere uccisi ucciso tutti gli umani ad eccezione di uno e gli dissero di aiutarli a portare le bare con i loro fratelli, tra cui Finn. In Alive and Kicking, Finn stood by his mother and little brother as they continued their plans for the city. Se non fossi un attore, sarei un biologo marino. Facciamo questo giochino, fate copia e incolla con l'elenco di nomi sotto e accanto ad ogni nome mettete il link con la foto dell'attore e attrice che avreste visto bene per interpretare quel ruolo. Finn later talked with his mother about how she was going to convince his brothers to see the error of their ways and accept the new life they wanted to give them. Elijah entered and offered to strengthen her with his blood. Supernatural information Durante uno di questi alimenti, Klaus uccise un essere umano che innesco una maledizione del licantropo che portava dalla nascita, rivelando che Esther aveva avuto una relazione con un lupo mannaro. He even tried to kill Hope, so that Dahlia wouldn't come to NOLA, almost killing Elijah in the process. Abby questioned why Finn wanted to sacrifice himself, and Finn replied: "It's not a sacrifice, it's a gift." Unsure of where they were going, Kol brought up the idea that maybe they should split up so as to better avoid their father. Esther finally arrived, shifting the attention to her. Finn told her a story about how Kol had once seduced and discarded an innocent woman out of boredom, trying to get Davina to see Kol as he did. Brown 1974: Casper Zafer, attore britannico, ha interpretato il ruolo del vampiro originale Finn Mikaelson nella terza stagione della serie televisiva The Vampire Diariesruolo che ha ripreso nella terza stagione dello spin-off The Originals Esther's little Huginn and Muninn (with Freya)The Boar (by himself and Klaus)The Devoted Acolyte (by Klaus)The Selfless Martyr (by Kol)Creepy Suicidal Guy (by Damon) Finn attacked Elijah with his magic, impaling him with farming equipment before moving on to the house. Klaus asks Finn where their mother is and Finn states she is trying to find a way to end their lives and he will sacrifice himself all over again. Vampire Diaries 3x18 - Klaus & Finn "You won't be able to see me dead because if i die you die", The Vampire Diaries Sage and Finn catch up-"The Murder Of One"-(3X18), I contenuti della comunità sono disponibili sotto la licenza. Finn help Elijah cover their tracks, after they killed travelers on the road. The spell he cast created an astral plane where he pulled in the minds of his brothers so they could all speak mentally, appearing inside of a cabin where animal heads represented each of them, a boar representing Finn. È invece, il fratello minore di Freya Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson ed Elijah Mikaelson e del fratellastro (da parte di madre), Niklaus Mikaelson. When Klaus spoke out that Kol would never follow their mother, Finn countered that Esther's argument had even convinced the most wild of the family to join her cause. Finn and Esther against Kol, Niklaus and Elijah. 2. L' attore ha 39 anni, è nato il 12 novembre 1980 a Stoccolma, in Svezia ed è il figlio del. When Davina stepped out for a moment, Finn accused Kol of stalling, telling him if he didn't hurry it along, they'd get the information Finn's way. Finn went to the compound and confronted Klaus and Kol, where he demanded to know where their mother was. Meanwhile, Finn tried to press his brothers for answers on what Klaus was hiding, not knowing that his niece Hope was alive. Finn revealed that within the cabin, he could not be harmed due to being its creator. Finn arrived before his mother, approaching his brothers. Once inside, he saw baby toys laid throughout the house, confirming his suspicions. Lucien suggested they give it to Freya, who could hide it and only ever give it to them when they wanted to truly be free of the eternity that awaited them. In I Love You, Goodbye, Vincent's body rested in a morgue, horrifically scarred from the explosion at the house. Finn wants to use it on himself at some point in the future. Finn's spirit was eventually transferred to Freya's Talisman before being resurrected into this Original vampire body, unable to practice witchcraft. After 1,000 years has passed they are reunited and prepares for Dahlia's arrival. Insieme con la sua famiglia, Finn viveva in pace con gli altri membri del loro villaggio, alcuni dei quali erano lupi mannari. Finn and Kol retain a negative relationship as Finn still shows no remorse for killing him a year prior, as the two fight and banter with each other. Finn then went to the werewolves that were under his mother's control and brought with him new recruits, all of which were boys and teenagers who were untriggered werewolves, wanting them to murder and be triggered to make his mother's army grow even more. After Finn was neutralized by the Brotherhood of the Five, his brother Klaus killed them all and undaggered all his siblings except for Finn who disapproved of Klaus' immoral ways, which annoyed Klaus who then decided not to undagger him until their father had been destroyed. Sai individuare il volto del personaggio di The Originals solamente da un unico particolare? However, he eventually rekindles a relationship with his former girlfriend, Sage and had a change of heart. Elijah, however, cuts him off, saying that they swore a vow. Lucien fled while Finn was taken back to the compound. Occupazione: Ryan Brunner ... second second assistant director / second assistant director (69 … Finn and Freya have a positive relationship, as the two are seen interacting on numerous occasions. Kol later attacked Finn, believing he had gave the werewolves the order but soon learned it was Esther. Finn later spoke with Freya, telling her that there could be no reconciliation between him and his brothers. Finn's behavior and attitude were what his siblings dislike about him the most. Finn remains in her talisman for over half a year, with Freya being able to summon his spirit and channel him in times of need. Elijah mikaelson attore Elijah Mikaelson è un vampiro originale, membro della Famiglia Mikaelson.Lui è il terzo figlio di Mikael ed Esther, il fratello minore di Freya e Finn, ed è il fratello maggiore di Kol, Rebekah ed Henrik.E' anche Torturing OliverTorturing Elijah and KlausAttacking Kaleb (Kol) (from a distance)Stunning AidenBreaking Josh's neckHayley's heart extraction (interrupted by Jackson)Forcing a werewolf to turn without the full moonPutting a boundary spell on the CompoundUsing thirst spell on imprisoned vampiresChanneling power from Mikael and Esther (using Sacrificial Magic)Imprisoning Elijah's, Klaus' and Kol's minds in illusionHexing Kaleb (Kol)Vampire's heart extractionTorturing and staking Elijah (using telekinesis)Allowing Freya to use and channeling his magic (as a spirit) to help Rebekah and levitating her blood to Klaus find her.

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