We have the pleasure to welcome you to Garda Veneto’s official portal! Bodies of Water. Kissed by the sun and caressed by the wind, this great sea of fresh water, surrounded by beautiful scenery and spectacular mountains, is located in the center of Europe, both geographically and culturally. Garda, Veneto. Recommended. The town of Garda not only gave lake Garda its name, but it also has what seemingly is the most stunning location on its shores. The Lake Garda region is known as a hip sports region with countless possibilities. Veneto ; Province of Verona ; Garda ; Things to do in Garda ; Lago di Garda; Search. Lake Garda is in northern Italy between Venice and Milan. If you would like more maps of Venice Italy and Verona then please visit our maps home page. Lake Garda: the sound of the waves in your ears, a breathtaking view of the mountains, in the midst of the charming Italian lifestyle. The lake is part of the Lombardy region on the west and the Veneto on the east. Lake Garda Location . The Dolomite mountains are not far away and can be seen towering above the lake. LAGO DI GARDA. bis 800 n. Chr. Lake Garda (Italian: Lago di Garda [ˈlaːɡo di ˈɡarda] or (Lago) Benaco; Eastern Lombard: Lach de Garda; Venetian: Ƚago de Garda; Latin: Benacus; Ancient Greek: Βήνακος) is the largest lake in Italy.It is a popular holiday location in northern Italy, about halfway between Brescia and Verona, and between Venice and Milan on the edge of the Dolomites. It has two maps; one of Lake Garda and one of the Veneto region around Vicenza (our home region). LAGO DI GARDA. Lacus benacus.Der Name soll von einer alten Gottheit namens Benacus abstammen. Lago di Garda è un lago che si trova tra le regioni Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige e Veneto.. Da sapere [] Cenni geografici []. Lake Garda, the largest Italian lake, is steeped in Mediterranean charm. Bodies of Water. Il Lago di Garda è uno dei luoghi più incantevoli d'Italia. It is also popular in the running community. 3 326 Reviews #1 of 19 things to do in Garda. Lago di Garda. This is where you’ll find all you need to plan your stay in Garda Veneto, the towns around the lake or the inland area in the province of Verona that have formed the Consorzio Lago di Garda Veneto, aiming to promote this land. Lago di Garda. The northern tip is in the Trentino-Alto Adige region. Castelli, porticcioli, borghi e piccoli paesini si specchiano nelle acque del lago creando scorci unici. Lake Garda, the largest Italian lake, is steeped in Mediterranean charm. Get the full experience and book a tour. Our most popular tours and activities. Der Gardasee (italienisch Lago di Garda oder Bènaco), einer der oberitalienischen Seen, ist der größte See Italiens.Sein antiker Name lautete von etwa 200 v. Chr. If it is the best beach on the shores of Lake Garda you are in search of then click here.. Map of Lake Garda Kissed by the sun and caressed by the wind, this great sea of fresh water, surrounded by beautiful scenery and spectacular mountains, is located in the center of Europe, both geographically and culturally. 3 326 Reviews #1 of 19 things to do in Garda. After all, the name Garda apparently comes from the German word ‘warda’ meaning ‘place of guard’ or ‘place of observation’.

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